Investor Relations

Integrated Report

The Latest Report

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P.02 Philosophy and Vision
Explains the Toyota Tsusho Group’s philosophy system and vision that sets goals and milestones.
P.04 President & CEO’s Message
Explains our philosophy on materiality (Key Sustainability Issues (Materiality)) for creating values unique to Toyota Tsusho, which possesses the Toyota Group's DNA, as well as risks and opportunities.
P.12 Value Creation Story
Explains the Value Creation Model that seeks to maximize the two values of "value created for society and the environment" and "value created by Toyota Tsusho together with its customers" by achieving our vision of "Be the Right ONE."
P.22 Mid-term Business Plan and Financial Strategy
Explains Toyota Tsusho's Mid-term Business Plan and the strategies for achieving it, followed by the CFO describing the financial strategy supporting sustainable growth.
P.38 Response to Climate Change
Explains our efforts for the promotion of carbon neutrality that leverage Toyota Tsusho's distinctive traits, as well as scenario analysis based on TCFD recommendations.
P.51 Feature
The CHRO and an outside member of the board discuss human capital management for advancing to our next new stage.
P.56 Sustainability Strategy
Explains our initiatives for addressing Key Sustainability Issues (Materiality) and the progress of KPIs.
P.76 Status of Each Division
Explains the business models and medium- and long-term strategies of each of our seven sales divisions.
P.92 Governance
Explains Toyota Tsusho's governance structure and efforts to actively drive forward the further improvement of management efficiency and transparency, full-fledged compliance, and the soundness of our financial position.